
Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I watched the first half of Eureka, it was a little slow so I decided to catch the rest on PVR later.

The show so far is ok, the actors seem well picked, but something is missing. Again I have only seen half of it.

Hopefully the 2nd half will be better.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Late night.. Gaming

I guess you never get to old to game.

A couple of friends and I played BattleField 2 for about 3 1/2 hours last night. Nothing like throwing rockets from your helicoptor at your buddies.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Free or almost -- Web services

I recently decided to try and move all of my web services, E-mail, webserver, etc... to virtual services instead of keeping a physical server up and running.

So far so good:
Coming soon :
  • Picture hosting
  • Projects -- Get PHPBackPage back out there.
E-mail : I applied for the beta of Gmail for Domains and was lucky enough to be chosen, the setup was very easy and gmail's interface just rocks!!
Cost = FREE

Web : I forwarded my domain to my Google pages website. Simple but it works..
Cost = FREE

Blog : I started this so I could use Picasa to post pictures, but I will probably use it for posting other stuff also. Obiviously so, I am posting this.
Cost = FREE

DNS : GoDaddy offers free DNS service with their domain registration. Interface isn't great, but it works.
Cost = 16.95 for 2 years.

Picture hosting : Just haven't spent the time to pick the one I want. I am not sure I want to post a bunch of personal pictures on the free sites. I might just have to pay for that.

Projects : Probably look into Sourceforge or something like that.

Enough for now.
My family.......

Brittany, Chris, Nick, Sara and my Mother. Posted by Picasa
My wife ( the one of the left ) at her graduation.

My late Sister and Sara

Sara and Nick my youngest Son.
Posted by Picasa

First post

Well I finally got around to starting a blog....

I will probably just use it for pictures and the random thought here or there.

We will see.